Monday 31 August 2009

Leave Her To Heaven.

Leave Her To Heaven is a strange, strange movie. A film noir shot in Technicolour. A love story. A Sirk like melodrama.
The first thing to mention has to be the cinematography. It looks just beautiful, in that hyper real way that only Technicolour can achieve. Like a bowl of tropical fruit. Technicolour was invented for shooting Gene Tierneys green eyes. Her performance in this film is just brilliant. Going from sweet to psycho seamlessly. Seeing her watch her husbands younger brother drowning is chilling. I have to mention the scene of her riding on horseback scattering her fathers ashes in the desert. It stops just short of being camp. But still raises a smile. And, although she is a father fixated murderer, you can't help but side with her.This is partly due to Tierneys performance, but also because her motives are understandable. All she wants is some time alone with her husband. Is that so much to ask? And her earnest, wheelchair bound brother in law is a bit of a pain. Ignoring the hints made to him to leave, so she can have some lovin' with her new husband.
Cornell Wilde turns in a good, leading man performance. His acting style hasn't dated at all. But this is Tierneys movie.
This is now out on DVD, and I urge everyone to watch it. It is a bona fide classic. Made by adults for adults. Wow. I got to the end without using the phrase "sexiest overbite in movies" as well.