I'm trying to stop too. But it's hard. I was in the supermarket when I noticed Vesta Curry. Now, when I had this as a kid back in the 70s it was garbage. But when I saw it again, I had an almost unstoppable need to buy it. Not because it tasted good. I wanted it so I could tell my friends I had bought it, and bask in the ironic post modern retro cool vibe. Like hipsters who wear t-shirts of cheeseball movies so their friends can look at in in arch disdain, and share the in joke.Where are the Citizen Kane or City Lights t-shirts?
The all too popular refrain of "so bad it's good" is used to mask bad taste. Because bad shouldn't be fun. Because if you can talk for twenty minutes about the worlds worst movies and have never seen the worlds best movies, something is wrong.
And the danger is, if you live your live in a constant state of ironic detatchment, a hipsterish need to take nothing at face value, then how can you actually enjoy something? Without reservation?
So, I think a no irony day should be mooted. When people can actually enjoy things. When people can communicate with each other honestly and openly. Sincerely. Fuck Irony.
The A Team. It is crap.
A google-search for "no irony day" yields only this post. So let's make September 15th "No Irony Day".