Everyone knows the story of Tarzan and Jane, so need need to go over it again.
The second film starts with white hunters on the trail of the Elephants graveyard. Accompanied by black servants. The appalling racial stereotypes in this flick can't be ignored. But it is a product of it's time. It would be unfair to expect 21st Century attitudes in 1934. But it can make you wince. Anyhoo they are attacked by a particularly annoyed group of tribesman. Scampering up a cliff face to escape, they are then ambushed by gorillas, who hurl boulders down on them. This film moves at a cracking pace.
The familiar Ah he aw he aw he aw is heard, Tarzan arrives, the gorillas call of the attack.
Then Jane arrives. And she's half naked. We had gotten used to Johnny Weissmuller swinging through the canopy in next to nothing. But seeing Maureen O'Sullivan is quite a jolt. One of the white hunters has suffered a snake bite on his arm. Seeing it, Maureen O'Sullivan lift up his sleeve, and starts sucking out the poison. The camera dollys in, registering the look of delighted surprise on his face.
The hunters camp for the night, and Jane is given fancy dresses and perfume. To tempt her back to "civilization". Another famous shot of Jane undressing, seen in silhouette through the tent.

Jane gets up and dresses in the evening gown.They go to the river for their morning swim, and Tarzan playfully throws Jane into the water. The dress catches on a branch, and Jane falls, naked, into the river. There follows one of the most beautiful scenes in movies. A naked Jane, and Tarzan in his loincloth, swimming under the water. This being a pre-code film, nudity wasn't taboo. For minutes they frolic and play, gently cartwheeling and pirouetting. The sun dapples across them. The photography here is beautiful. No soundtrack apart from the sound of the water...This is pure cinema.
They climb out of the water, Cheetah has nicked Janes clothes, Lions attack and Tarzan fights them off. They decide to take the hunters to the elephants graveyard. Jane now wearing her "civilised" clothes, aware of the looks from the men. Innocence has been corrupted. On the way they are attacked by Rhinos, Lions, Crocodiles, and rescued by Elephants. Tarzan changes his mind about taking them to the graveyard. So one of the hunters shoots an Elephant and they follow it. I won't tell anymore of the plot, in case you want to see it. But it involves more titillattion, a double cross, and a finale of Elephants Vs Lions Vs Tribesman, with men being torn in two by being tied to bent trees and released, and Cheetah saving the day.
This is epic, adult entertainment. If your only exposure to Tarzan films has been the later ones shown on TV, watch the first two Weissmuller - O'Sullivan flicks.You really will enjoy them. Sexier and more exciting than dreck like Transformers 2 or GI Joe, which were directed by hacks and watched by morons as someone once said.
After all, who amongst us wouldn't want to leave that job in the call centre or the factory, and swim naked with Johnny and Maureen in a magical black and white and silver jungle.
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